Loan Repayments Gateway

Direct Debit

Scheduled Payments for borrowers

The opportunity - REPAY lenders define multiple installment repayments with their customers. Users can sign in every time they are doing a payment
What if they can set up automatic payments on a schedule?

The solution - Conversational UX to create payment schedules
Scheduled payments grew from 1% of average monthly income to 4%

The approach - Brining concepts from analog industries to loans and adapting them to the repayments business context.

1. User & Problem Research
Product Box User Persona
2. Scoping
Quantitative - Paretto analysis for borrowers recurrent behaviours Qualitative - Benchmarking, Imagine Future Scenario
3. Prototyping
23 iterations User tests on
4. Deployment
Interactive Prototype Micro Interactions

The Deliverables - Wireframes, UI specs, and User stories were handed to developers
Check the whole flow wireframe in invision HERE

© Alberto Alonso Portfolio 2022 👨🏻‍💻