Loan Repayments Gateway

If-Then Statement Configuration Interface

If-Then statement Rules configuration, indexing and tracking

The problem - REPAY holds over +1K Lenders, works as a collection intercessor.
Binds their CRM with a 100% customisable Gateway, therefore require engineers to configure business requirements.
From payment method, to convenience fee and amount settings. Engineers override their own work and prefer to begin from scratch every time they need to adjust a configuration.

The solution - Organise rules in a grid displaying a short summary about what the rule does, showing logs.
Search feature for engineers to find previous work.
Rule duplicates reduced 27% after deploying. Besides, engineers are happy they can do quick fixes from their mobile phones confident at the airport! ✈️

The approach - After elicited requirements from engineers, 15 low-fi iterations were needed to come to a version these users felt confident.

1. User & Problem Research
Shadowing Actvity Recording, Task Analysis
2. Scoping
Quantitative - (Scraping) Rule duplicates peer engineer analysis Qualitative - Benchmarking, Imagine Future Scenario
3. Prototyping
15 iterations User tests on
4. Deployment
Interactive Prototype User Stories

The Deliverables - Wireframes, UI specs, and User stories were handed to developers

Check the whole flow wireframe in invision HERE

Lenders Configuration Wizard

Emails, Notifications, SMS Configuration for Lender Campaigns

The problem - Several steps are required to create a single notifications campaigns. Before, only engineers could operate this configurations.
Lender employees are accounted to accompish this task.

  1. Configure Rules (i.e. only when transation reponses)
  2. Set templates (i.e. "You just paid $100.00")
  3. Bind rules with templates
  4. Schedule Campaigns
It used to require .json markup knowledge to create campaigns.

The solution - An wizard that walks users step through step, all forms and assets to run campaigns.
Lenders launched 1,045 campaigns on their own 30 days after releasing.

The UX Approach - The solution was conceived and refined by UX Research and prototyping using these qualitative and quantitative methods:

1. User & Problem Research
User Daries Interviews
2. Scoping
Quantitative - Funnel Analysis Qualitative - Service Blueprints
3. Protoyping
Wizard of Oz Role Playing
4. Deployment
Definition of service moments and touch points Data Catalog UI components

The Deliverables - Wireframes (confidential), UI specs, User stories and the decision tree were handed to developers
Wireframes and UI specs are confidential, however the decision tree can be checked here:

© Alberto Alonso Portfolio 2022 👨🏻‍💻