
On Demand cleaning for SMEs and Homes

Online Acquisition Experience

Client lead conversion expierience enhanced to acquire subscriptions instead of one-shot purchases

The problem - Since Hogaru.com is a service, it's revenues rely on how many times a new client repurchase. The churn of new clients was above 42% augmenting dramatically the cost of effective acquisition.

The solution -The acquisition and pricing experience was changed to a subscription model where the client had to give a trial to a month subscription rather than one cleaning. Despite of the amount of cleanings purchased, the price per cleaning was defined by the weekly frequency chosen by the client.
After 4 months of deploying this feature, 64% of the company revenues were stabilized by subscription clients.

The UX Approach -The solution was conceived and refined by UX Research and prototyping using these qualitative and quantitative methods:

1. User & Problem Research
Recurrent client interviews Churned client interviews and surveys
2. Scoping
Quantitative - Retention comparisson between clietns that purchased several cleanings VS one cleaning on their first purchase Qualitative - Benchmarking the actual 'subscription' services the test clients were using
3. Prototyping
A/B transactional e-mail hacking to provide a 'draft' booking for the client to confirm instead of waiting them to repurchase at the end of the month Design Scenario tests
4. Deployment
Userflow, features and email chaining

The Deliverables - Wireframes, UI specs, and User stories were handed to developers
Check the wireframe in invision HERE
Check the live version on iOS   or Android  

Mobile ERP - Cleaners Operation Management

Bot developed to manage cleaners daily processes

The problem - Company required a monthly 30% growth in its cleaners fleet, counting ~1200 cleaners by the end of 2017. Each cleaner on a succesful journey follows 4 mandatory steps per day:

  1. Confirm attendance to cleaning on the next day
  2. Confirm they are commuting to calculate ETA
  3. Confirm to begin the cleaning
  4. Confirm to finish the cleaning
However, mostly newcomers and cleaners having new clients had several operations issues such as getting lost finding an address or questioning how to clean something properly. The daily amount of processes is up to 2,700 per day, making unsustainable to build up a support team of 1 operator per 20 cleaners.

The solution -A mobile bot was embedded in their mobile app to simulate a chat with a virtual operator that replies immediatly to any requirement the cleaner has. Manual communication is held only when a situation requires attention
The virtual operator "Amanda" currently replies automatically to the 76% of conversations with cleaners and manages the daily operations with no hassle. A sandbox tool was deployed for the ops team to add or remove options the cleaners can choose when using the bot. Watch the news report about this ERP:

The UX Approach -The solution was conceived and refined by UX Research and prototyping using these qualitative and quantitative methods:

1. User & Problem Research
User Shadowing Task Analysis
2. Scoping
Quantitative - Conversation scraping for identification of most common requests Qualitative - Roleplay
3. Protoyping
Wizard of Oz Paper protoyping
4. Deployment
Definition of service moments and touch points Decision tree UI components

The Deliverables - Wireframes (confidential), UI specs, User stories and the decision tree were handed to developers
Wireframes and UI specs are confidential, however the decision tree can be checked here:

© Alberto Alonso Portfolio 2020 👨🏻‍💻